The consumption of electronic components is continuously growing in our industry. The realization of this activity requires companies with high levels of professionalism and knowledge of customer needs. In our product lines to the first manufacturers in the electronics sector are included. The aim for excellence Avryde 2000 is to meet these fundamental concepts to achieve customer satisfaction.

Excellence in our customer service by providing solutions
Products suited to the needs of your company
Cost improvement contribute to the development of your business
Collaboration with the most prestigious manufacturers
Constant teamwork, trust, flexibility and competition


Respect for the environment is part of our corporate values ​​and their defense is practiced in our company in all processes performed.
To do this, we rely on the precautionary principle, prevention and correction of pollution at its source.

The road to a more sustainable world is a great effort required to tune complex actions of multiple players.
With the collaboration of all soon get a world for all and especially those issues that are key to sustaining the current development model (production, growth, multinational, transport, private property, etc.).

Environmental Education involves taking into account not only the classic problems related to pollution or discharges, energy conservation, awareness of the value of water, preservation of nature but also social, cultural and economic factors that have become determinants . The key is to opt for a model of sustainable development.
The objective of sustainable development is to define viable projects and reconcile economic, social, and environmental aspects of human activities; "Three pillars" to be taken into account by the communities, both businesses and individuals:

economic sustainability.

social sustainability.

Environmental sustainability.

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