Avryde 2000, SL is a Valencian company founded in 1999.
Our activity is based on the PCBA manufacturing , having reached over our existence a widely recognized position.

Our goal as a company goes through trying to get excellence in our customer service . To do with choosing the right products and the collaboration with the most prestigious manufacturers , it allows us to guarantee success .

Our purpuse is not only selling products but offer service and provide solutions in line with market needs, which we achieved through constant teamwork .

We intend to be part of the success of your business, helping both the supply of electronic components such as offering a service assembly thereof, to offer our customers a semifinished product. For this we have collaboration contracts with assembly companies, engineering and R & D .

We aim to develop long - term partnerships and be a business partner in the which depend from start to finish, with flexibility and competition, improving costs that contribute to the development of your business.

Quality plays an important role in our company, being the engine of our development. Therefore, all our employees, for the development of our business, meet established quality standards and regulations.

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